“Work hard, stay humble.”
Growing up in Vancouver and Burnaby, I’ve been fortunate enough to watch these suburbs and surroundings cultivate into the enriched communities and lifestyle you see today.
My approach is both intentional and dynamic. My goal is to provide guidance to first home buyers, investors, and presale clientele in achieving their real estate goals by enhancing their preparation for the ever-changing market.
Graduating from BCIT with my business diploma, I found interest and expanded my knowledge in real estate law as I began my real estate career in 2017 and found fulfillment in working alongside presale & first home buyers. I'm charmed to work with Rennie and have the opportunity to continually develop my knowledge by working alongside experienced advisors and immersing myself in the markets of locations such as Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, Surrey, Chilliwack, and North Vancouver.
You’ll find me enjoying my time within the greater Vancouver area while running, connecting with others through yoga, spending time with my family, or finding a beautiful spot amongst it all to relax to enjoy a book.
I specialize in Condos, First Time Buyers, Houses, Pre-Sale and Townhouses, and speak Cantonese and English.
Call me today at 778.871.9459 or email me.
mnullonullcnull.nullenullinullnnullnnullenullrnull@nullonullanullcnullmnullQuestions about a listing or neighbourhood? Let's connect.