Consistency is the key to success. ― Anonymous
I am a member of the Sydney & Pavel Real Estate Group.
Pavel began in the real estate industry in 2008 and started as a rennie Advisor in 2010. He carries an enthusiastic personality and an ability to execute quickly in a competitive and fast-paced market. He has experienced a wide range of market conditions and is a seasoned Advisor that will be able to navigate the toughest of deals. Seeing the joyful expression of his clients as he hands over the keys of their new home is Pavel’s favourite part about his job. It never gets old and is always a great adventure.
I specialize in Condos, First Time Buyers, Houses, Investors and Pre-Sale, and speak English and Polish.
Call me today at 604.722.6043 or email me.
Pavel Stepczynski RENNIE ADVISOR
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