The goal is not simply to ‘work hard, play hard.’ The goal is to make our work and our play indistinguishable.” — Simon Sinek
Merideth has wanted to be a real estate advisor since she was nine years old. She spent her childhood cutting open house advertisements out from the weekly real estate newspaper and getting her parents to take her to open houses every weekend. She’s always loved real estate because she loves seeing glimpses into other people’s lives as they achieve these huge milestones.
Merideth has been an advisor since 2006, where she uses her decades of marketing and communications experience to find her clients their dream homes and support them every step of the way. For Merideth, her work is entirely relationship based. She works tremendously hard for her clients, and possesses strong negotiation skills that enable her to get to the core of what they need.
In addition to selling real estate, Merideth started a personal safety platform called PROtect, borne out of a need to help realtors and other remote workers stay safe on the job. She won countless awards for this business, including one of BC’s most influential women in STEM and best start-up in Canada.
Merideth and her husband live in Whistler Cay Heights with their three children, two dogs, and a cat. She loves the neighbourhood for its family-filled community, beautiful scenery, and close proximity to Whistler Village.
I specialize in Condos, First Time Buyers, Houses, Investors and Townhouses.
Call me today at 604.999.8665 or email me.
Merideth Schutter RENNIE ADVISOR
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