Do what you love and success will follow. Passion is the fuel behind a successful career.”―Meg Whitman
Tawny’s obsession with interior design and architecture, plus her love of meeting new people, meant that becoming a realtor was a natural decision for her. Joining the rennie team in 2023, Tawny’s goal is to always bring a sense of security and comfort as she helps people fulfill their real estate dreams. She does this with honesty and integrity, while providing the best possible advice and insights.
Calling Vancouver West home, she likes walking along the ocean, taking in the gorgeous harbour sunsets, and all the great shopping and restaurants in the area.
When her work day is done, Tawny usually gets her exercise in a yoga class or a nice brisk walk on the seawall.
I specialize in Condos, First Time Buyers, Houses, Investors, Pre-Sale and Townhouses.
Call me today at 604.753.8024 or email me.
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