Geoff Taylor Personal Real Estate Corporation

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Tim Notke

About Me

Geoff is an award-winning realtor who joined the rennie team in 2023. His background in advertising shaped his understanding of business as relationships, where great results are a product of trust. That’s why Geoff’s greatest reward as a realtor is working with families to help them transition through different stages of their lives.

Geoff was born in a small farming community outside of Edmonton, and now lives in West Vancouver. He loves everything about the North Shore — the family friendly neighbourhoods, the sense of community, and the outdoor lifestyle complete with stunning scenery.

After a great day at work, Geoff spends time with his family and likes going for walks with his absolute princess of a Labrador retriever, Daisy.

I specialize in Condos, First Time Buyers, Houses, Investors and Townhouses.

Call me today at 604.908.0800 or email me.


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