“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” —Gandhi
Tina Baloochestany began working as a rennie Advisor in 2017, having developed an interest in real estate through her family’s long-term involvement in real estate investment and development. Motivated by her colleagues at rennie, she aspires to meet and surpass her clients’ expectations in regards to achieving their real estate goals. Originally from Iran, Tina was raised on Vancouver’s North Shore and now lives in Yaletown with her 16-year-old chihuahua-Pekingese cross, Sebastien. Of Yaletown, she says, “I love the energy and sense of community, the beautiful views, the great eateries, and the abundance of neighbourhood dogs.” Professionally, she hopes to expand her business in coming years, and personally, she wants to start a family and looks forward to watching her nieces and nephews grow up. When Tina saw the movie, Gandhi, she was inspired by Gandhi’s selflessness and his ability to love even his enemies. Her last travel adventure was the Super Bowl Vegas trip with her rennie family, and her biggest travel goal is to visit outer space.
I specialize in Condos, First Time Buyers, Houses and Pre-Sale, and speak English and Farsi.
Call me today at 778.987.3697 or email me.
Tina Baloochestany Personal Real Estate Corporation
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