If not you, who? If not now, when?
Jane Chu, started her real estate career as a rennie Advisor in 2011, and she has since won both the rennie Leader Award and the Medallion Club Award. “The best part of my job is helping clients filter through information to arrive at a better understanding of the market, so they can make decisions wisely,” says Jane. She considers herself very fortunate to work alongside her kind, funny, and successful fellow rennie Advisors. Jane was born and raised in Burnaby and Vancouver Westside and now specializes in helping clients find homes in Vancouver, Richmond, and Burnaby. Over the next 10 years, she hopes to see Vancouver take on an increased global presence, with innovative architecture and other cultural markers of a world-class city: first-rate cuisine, home-grown fashion houses, and a thriving local art scene. Fun facts that not everybody knows about Jane: she was once in a beauty pageant and going on a hot-air balloon ride is at the top of her bucket list. She also plans to travel the world, starting with Turkey, Greece, and South Africa.
I specialize in Condos, First Time Buyers, Houses, Investors, Pre-Sale and Townhouses, and speak Cantonese, English and Mandarin.
Call me today at 778.886.3303 or email me.
Jane Chu Personal Real Estate Corporation
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