The Future is always in the hands of those who know how to preempt it - Enzo Ferrari
When he's not advising clients on their next real estate transaction, Randy Rinaldo is a proud husband and father of two active boys who dedicates his time to his family and community.
As a REALTOR®, Randy's professional experience and understanding of public policy and real estate economics, combined with Rennie's unmatched data and technology, equips him to provide a unique level of insight and responsiveness in a dynamic market. In addition, his hands-on property management and pre-sale experience give him an added perspective.
But it is Randy's drive to do better that sets him apart.
BC is a land of opportunity, and Randy Rinaldo knows that better than most: his parents came to Canada from Italy, and he grew up watching them build a new life in a new world. This laid the foundation for his discipline, drive, and success.
Randy's enthusiasm for positive change can be found in every aspect of his life, from personal health to business to politics.
As an active member of the Italo - Canadian community, holding positions as Vice-President of the Italian Cultural Centre and Vice-President of Vancouver's largest street festival, the Italian Day Festival Society (IDFS), Randy spearheaded efforts in 2016 along with leaders within these societies, as well as the Commercial Drive BIA, to officially designate "Little Italy" on Commercial Drive, recognizing and honouring the neighbourhood's deep Italian Heritage. His leadership and collaborative efforts with the City and the above-mentioned societies also helped achieve the designation of Italian Heritage Month as an official Celebration and Observance in the City of Vancouver. As a crowning initiative, he also collaborated with Cllr. De Genova to secure funds of $160,000 for the Italian flag crosswalks installed at 3 'Little Italy' intersections. His persistence secured him the nickname "the Mayor of Little Italy by colleagues and politicians."
He has been a passionate advocate for electric vehicles. As a former board member of VEVA (Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association), he worked with former Premier Christy Clark to allow single-occupant zero-emission vehicles in HOV lanes. His work with SENSE BC, BC's long-standing driver's advocacy group, also successfully advocated changing outdated speed limits on rural highways. His BCLP affiliation and relationship with SENSE BC were also crucial in bringing in the "Keep Right Except to Pass" legislation - to the point that many people refer to it lightheartedly as "Randy's law.
If you want a REALTOR® who will go the extra mile for you, call Randy Rinaldo.
I specialize in Condos, Divorces, First Time Buyers, Houses, Investors, Pre-Sale, Seniors and Townhouses, and speak English and Italian.
Call me today at 604.781.4995 or email me.
Randy Rinaldo Personal Real Estate Corporation
mnullonullcnull.nullenullinullnnullnnullenullrnull@nullonulldnulllnullanullnnullinullrnullrnullQuestions about a listing or neighbourhood? Let's connect.