rennie team tuesday - Andrew Ramlo

Meet Andrew Ramlo, Vice President of intelligence at rennie group.

Why do you work with rennie?
I have worked with Bob for many years, providing data and demographic analysis to support his annual UDI talks about BC’s real estate market. After all these years, he and Kris finally twisted my arm enough to join the rennie team more fully. They wanted to provide data-based insight, analysis, and strategy to the rennie team, internally, and externally to a range of private and public sector clients, and I am happy to be heading up this newest arm of the rennie family.

What makes you passionate about real estate?
I am passionate about bringing intelligent analysis to whatever I do – I even created an excel spreadsheet ranking potential names for our first child! At rennie, I am able to bring that enthusiasm for data and analysis to bear on questions about our ever evolving real estate market. Given how important our homes are in our day to day lives, stories about them are often driven by emotion rather than rational analysis. I like to be able to dig down into those stories to find the data-based insights to help people to understand the trends in our real estate markets.

What do you most value in your friends?
Their time. Our lives seem to be continually moving at a quickening pace. As time passes and careers, kids, family commitments, and other responsibilities are added I get more and more thankful of the time spent with old friends.

What do you most value in your colleagues?
Creativity. I have had the opportunity to work with a great number of creative minds at rennie. They have kept me on my toes and pushed me to think outside of traditional approaches to analytical and strategic support for the rennie group.

What are the biggest time wasters in your life? What do you do to manage them?
My kids! If I was able to accomplish 50 tasks in a day before they arrived, I can now maybe get to 10. They are also, however, my greatest joy; much like working with the creative group of individuals at rennie, the kids have made me shift gears and see how important it is to think differently, to challenge ourselves, and sometimes, to just play!

What are the top two pieces of advice you would give to someone starting their real estate career?
Buying a home will likely be one of the most significant, and most emotional purchases in anyone’s life. Recognize this, and inform yourself so that you can provide your clients with the best advice and support possible.

Why do you love living in Vancouver?
When I arrived in Vancouver fresh out of high school from Ottawa people told me that I would never leave. Through my first year of university, as I watched the rain come down for almost 5 months, I was skeptical. But that first sunny day in spring that brought out the cherry blossoms made the memory of all those rainy days wash away, and I was hooked. Any place that can make the memory of 5 months of rain disappear with a ray of sunshine and some flowers on the trees is a truly special place.

Tell us about your everyday essentials.
Given the number of meetings I have every week my notebook and a good pen are definitely at the top of the list. I also need a good pair of shoes to take me from meeting to meeting (in style). When I'm behind my desk and crunching numbers, excel is my best friend, so I would include my calculator (or the abacus that I am using to teach our kids numeracy) as part of my everyday work essentials. In terms of time away from the office, everyday essentials are my family and my bike. I spend a lot of time hanging out with our little ones, and sometimes just as much time in the saddle. From my morning commute to road races with the Just Giver for Parkinson’s cycling team to raise awareness for Parkinsons Disease, the bike is my essential tool to keep both my mind and body in shape.

Thanks Andrew!