You Can't Complete What You Don't Start: Vancouver Purpose-Built Rental Homes
May 30, 2022
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After years of neglect, Metro Vancouver’s purpose-built rental market is finally being tended to through the addition of thousands of new homes.Across Canada, purpose-built rental markets have been the recipients of inadequate attention—at least insofar as new supply is concerned. Here in Metro Vancouver, the stock of purpose-built rental homes has, in fact, dwindled by 1% since 1991 as the population has expanded by 68%, resulting in one per-capita measure of rental housing prevalence—the number of rental homes per 1,000 residents—declining from 72 to 42 (a 41% drop) over that period. Has the tide turned in recent years? Data on rental housing completions suggest this might be the case. The region added an average of 5,400 purpose-built rental homes annually over the past five years versus an average of just over 1,300 annually over the prior 25 years. For the sake of a balanced rental market and affordable rents, let’s hope this continues.Gain more insights into our housing market by reading the Spring 2022 rennie landscape.Twice a year, rennie intelligence produces the rennie landscape, which tracks various demographic and economic indicators that directly and indirectly influence our housing market here in Metro Vancouver. Our goal is to provide our community with a basis for evaluating the trajectory of the factors that collectively define the context for the real estate market.
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Ryan Berlin
addition(-al income) by subtraction?
The latest release of Statistics Canada’s Survey of Earnings, Payroll, and Hours (SEPH) for September gives us another opportunity to gauge how Canada’s labour market is faring. Average weekly earnings increased to $1,280 in September—up a robust 5.2% from one year ago. But with the job vacancy rate having fallen back to pre-pandemic levels from all-time, post-pandemic highs, and an unemployment rate that has been rising for the better part of two years (currently it sits at 6.8%), are earnings really increasing that quickly, or is something else going on?
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job seekers’ pain could spell borrowers’ gain
Today’s release of Labour Force Survey (LFS) data from Statistics Canada on the state of Canada’s job market in November revealed yet another month of rising unemployment.
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