Property Details
Status Active Under Contract Area Coquitlam
Style of Home Register to access Sub Area Ranch Park
Year Built Register to access Views Yes
Lot Area SF 7,678 SF Frontage 0.00 FT
Taxes $0 Depth 0 FT
Maintenance Fees Register to access Floor Levels Register to access
Maintenance Includes Register to access
Features Included Register to access
Amenities Register to access
Site Influences Register to access
Listed By Sutton Group-West Coast Realty
Transaction History


While the information and data contained herein has been obtained from sources deemed reliable (REBGV, BCA), accuracy cannot be guaranteed. rennie group of companies does not assume responsibility or liability for any inaccuracies. E.&O.E.
Sold Date Price Source
No transaction history available.
Additional Property Details
Exposure Register to access
Distance to School/Bus Register to access
Distance to Public Transit Register to access
# of Rooms Register to access
# of Kitchens Register to access
Outdoor Area Register to access
Basement Area Register to access
Crawl Height Register to access
Parking / Storage
Parking Register to access
Parking Access Register to access
Parking Places - Covered Register to access
Parking Places - Total Register to access
Locker Register to access
Land Title Register to access
Zoning Register to access
Potential for Rezoning? Register to access
In Land Reserve? (ALR) Register to access
Legal Description Register to access
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