the rennie review - January 2023
Jan 10, 2023
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The full-year numbers characterizing Vancouver’s housing market in 2022 belie two distinct 6-month stretches, the latter of which concluded with December’s 1,963 MLS sales marking a 6th-straight month of fewer than 3,000 transactions—the most protracted slowdown in a decade.The rennie review is a monthly publication which includes the latest real estate data for the Vancouver Region's housing market. In addition to presenting detailed neighbourhood-level stats, the rennie review also includes current rennie projects, featured listings, client testimonials, our take on the latest market conditions, and more.Our rennie intelligence team comprises our in-house demographer, senior economist, and market analysts. Together, they empower individuals, organizations, and institutions with data-driven market insight and analysis. Experts in urban land economics, community planning, shifting demographics, and real estate trends, their strategic research supports a comprehensive advisory service offering and forms the basis of frequent reports and public presentations. Their thoughtful and objective approach truly embodies the core values of rennie.
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The threat of US-imposed tariffs on Canadian exports have hung overhead for months, but on March 4th, the nation woke up to find that those threats had become reality.
Mar 2025
Tariff-related uncertainty significantly restrained housing market activity across the country in February. While activity in Greater Victoria proved more resilient, there were signs that sentiment has taken a hit here, too.
Mar 2025